Support over Christmas

We know the festive season isn't all sparkle and cheer for everyone, but we hope to help you find your individual calm, with our five ideas to feel better over the festive season .


This is an amazing way to get outside, get some fresh air and possibly even see people without too much pressure to be social, if you’re not in the mood. Walking can be done alone or with other people and can be as far or as little as you need at that time.

Fresh air

If you can’t get out for a walk, fresh air in your garden or just outside your house is also a great one to help you reset. Open some windows and put on some nice music to help you relax or remember what it is you do enjoy doing.


This is a great activity if you don’t have a lot of time or space. It can help you reset and give you some headspace to feel more present. It can help to reduce triggers and clear your mind.


Exercise is great for getting your heart pumping, and your endorphins flowing which give you all good feelings. It doesn’t have to be a lot of too heavy, light yoga or stretching is great for getting you breathing and energising your body.


This can be hard but it is so beneficial if you are struggling. It can also be a great way to boost yourself by celebrating your achievements, no matter how small. If you don’t have people around you to speak to, there are lots of services who are open over the festive period to support you, including the Samaritans: 0330 094 5717.

We will be closed over the festive period for our staff to have a well deserved rest but if you need crisis support out of hours you can contact us on 01642 989254.